Longsword subclass of the Broadsword Class 800 dton Mercenary Cruiser
A redesign of the Broadsword Class Mercenary Cruiser for T20 Traveller.

click deckplans for larger versions
check back later for stats -- still waiting for my copy of T20

Longsword class section view      Section View
left half 45 degree section
right half 90 degree section
1- avionics deck
2- bridge deck
3- turrets
4- crew deck
5- marshalling area
6- fuel tanks
7- mess decks
8- cargo deck
9- cutter module bay
10- modular cutter well
11- drive deck 1
12- drive deck 2
13- landing leg and lift
14- drive deck 3
15- bilge deck
16- landing pad hydraulics
     Avionics Deck
1,2,12,13- avionics bays
3- ward room / owner's lounge
4,7- air locks / cutter access
5- computer core and lift
6- stores
  owner's suite (8-11)
8- office / sitting room
9- bedroom
10- toilet
11- bathroom
Longsword class avionics deck
Longsword class bridge deck      Bridge Deck
1,4,5,8- turrets
2,3,6,7- access trunks
9- bridge
10- lift
11- computer core and lift
12,23- lounges
13- captain's office
14,16,17,18- officer's staterooms
15- captain's stateroom
19- stores
20- toilet
21- clerk's office
22- galley
     Crew Deck
[all cabins on this deck are double occupancy (d.o.)]
1,2,3,4- access trunks
5,6,7- first fireteam qtrs
8,9,30,31- ship's crew
10,11,12- second fireteam qtrs
13,14,25,26- freshers
15,24- lifts; stores lockers each side
16,17- marshalling area / lounges
18,23- cutter wells
19,22- airlocks / cutter access
20,21- cutter module access locks
27,28,29- third fireteam qtrs
32,33,34-fourth fireteam qtrs
Longsword class crew deck
Longsword class mess deck      Mess Deck
1,4,28,29- turrets
2,3,29,30- access trunks
5,18- galley and stores
6- chief engineer's cabin
7,8- crew cabins (d.o.)
9- troop commander's cabin
10,20 mess decks
11,21- freshers
13,19-lifts; stores lockers adjacent
12,22- armories
14,17- cutter wells
15,16- cuter module bays
23- sick bay
24,25- medical cabins
26- troop sergent's cabin
27- medic's cabin
     Cargo Deck
1,5,12,15- landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)
2,4,13,14- access trunks
3,16- cargo locks / air-raft bay
6,11- cargo bays
7,10- lifts; cutter module cargo hatches each side
8,9- cutter wells / module bays
Longsword class cargo deck
Longsword class drive deck 1      Drive Deck One
1,4,9,12- landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)
2,3,10,12- access trunks
5,8- drives: this level mostly fuel purification and jump drives
6,7- lifts; stores lockers each side
13,14- cutter wells / module bays
     Drive Deck Two
1,4,13,16-landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)
2,3,14,15- access trunks
5,12- drives: this level mostly power plants
6,11- lifts; stores lockers each side
7,10- cutter wells
8,9-cutter module bays
Longsword class drive deck 2
Longsword class drive deck 3      Drive Deck Three
1,4,12,15- landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)
2,3,13,14- access trunks
5,11- drives: this level mostly maneuver drives
6,10- lifts
7,9- cutter module access locks; often used for engineering stores
8- engineering workstations
16- section view showing relation of bottom of fuel tanks and drive deck 3
     Bilge Deck
1,4,13,16-landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)
2,3,14,15- access trunks
5,8,9,12- drives: this level mostly maneuver drives
6,10- lifts
11- work platform grill
17- section of bilge deck bowl showing accessways and work platform grill
Longsword class bilge deck
Longsword class dirt deck (landing pads)      Dirt Deck
1,2,5,8- landing pad hydraulics / shocks
2,4,6,7- landing leg lifts (cargo and personnel)

(deckplan symbols legend in center -- click for larger version)